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      The world's fastest hydrogen fuel cell racing! Where do we use our
       2022-02-21  2434

      On January 18, 2022, Forze Hydrogen Racing team officially launched the Hydrogen fuel cell Racing car -- Forze IX, which has a top speed of 300km/h and 100km/h acceleration of less than 3 seconds. With excellent power performance and super handling, Forze Hydrogen Racing team is the fastest Hydrogen fuel cell Racing car in the world.

      As the official technical partner of Forze Hydrogen Racing team, FTXT has provided important platform support and technical service solutions for the design and development of key components of Forze IX fuel cell system anode Hydrogen cycle system, which has won unanimous recognition from all team members.  This is the first time that untapped energy has successfully applied the "ejector" technology to the racing field.



      "The FTXT fuel cell Systems development team helped Forze IX design the anode ejector and gas-liquid separator, which uses energy from high pressure hydrogen storage to drive the anode hydrogen recycling, helping Forze to create a lighter and more efficient system solution," said Nils Boersma, a key member of Forze's team. The Forze team is very willing to maintain a long-term technical and strategic partnership with FTXT, by participating in top events, we will work together to set more hydrogen fuel cell racing records and accelerate the application of hydrogen power technology in the automotive field.

      Add:6,NO.6655 Jiasong North Road,Jiading District,Shanghai China  Tel:0312-2196535、15383722019

      All rights reserved Shanghai Fuel Cell Vehicle Powertrain Co.,Ltd.  沪ICP备2022001118号-1     Technical Support:ENST

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