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      SFCV releases 200kW high-power hydrogen fuel cell engine
       2021-12-16  2252

      On December 14. 2021, SFCV launches 200kW high-power hydrogen fuel cell engine.



      This model 2 has a rated power of 200kW, a mass power density of 760W/kg, a maximum efficiency of 60%, and a life span of over 15000 hours.  Through the innovative "Hybrid Hydrogen Module" technology, compared with the single pump scheme, the full power range of the whole line can be drawn to achieve a breakthrough of 1%-100% without boundaries, which can significantly reduce the Hydrogen consumption of the system in the future and achieve a 10% improvement in battery life.

      Add:6,NO.6655 Jiasong North Road,Jiading District,Shanghai China  Tel:021-80258039/021-80258033  Fax:021-80258031

      All rights reserved Shanghai Fuel Cell Vehicle Powertrain Co.,Ltd.  沪ICP备2022001118号-1     Technical Support:ENST

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