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      FTXT and Great Wall Motor to support Brazil's hydrogen transportation construction
       2023-05-05  337

      Recently, Brazilian Vice President Geraldo Alckmin and Governor Tarcisio de Freitas of Sao Paulo visited the Brazilian factory of the Great Wall Group in person. Chinese Ambassador to Brazil Zhu Qingqiao and Consul General Chen Peije attended the visit.

      As the main business carrier of Great Wall Holding Group's global hydrogen energy strategic layout, fuel cell technology and hydrogen storage equipment research and development, FTXT actively contributes to the green and low-carbon global energy transformation development, and will further boost China-Brazil cooperation in hydrogen energy technology R&D and innovation to a new era.

      Add:6,NO.6655 Jiasong North Road,Jiading District,Shanghai China  Tel:0312-2196535、15383722019

      All rights reserved Shanghai Fuel Cell Vehicle Powertrain Co.,Ltd.  沪ICP备2022001118号-1     Technical Support:ENST

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